How to use npm uninstall to uninstall a npm package

How to use npm uninstall to uninstall a npm package:

npm uninstall is used to remove a package that is installed using npm install command. It also provides a couple of different flags to change the way it works. Let’s take a look at different ways to use npm uninstall :

Basic use:

npm uninstall package_name

It removes the package with name package_name from the current project. You need to run this in the same folder where package.json lies.

If you add -g or —global, it will remove that package in global context:

npm uninstall -g package_name

-S or —save:

You can use -S or —save to remove the package and also it will remove it from the package.json dependencies tab.

npm uninstall -S package_name

-D or —save-dev:

It is similar to the above one but it will remove the package from devDependencies tab.

npm uninstall -D package_name

-O or —save-optional:

It will remove the package from optionalDependencies.

npm uninstall -O package_name


It doesn’t remove your package from package.json file. i.e. if you run npm install, it will install that package again.

npm uninstall --no-save package_name