
C++ program to check if a character is a punctuation using ispunct

C++ program on ispunct method with example. ispunct is used to check if a character is punctuation or not. It is defined in cctype header.


C++ isblank function explanation with example

C++ program on isblank method with example. Learn why isblank function is used and example to use isblank. isblank is used to check if a character is blank or not.


C++ program to find the total number of characters in a string

C++ program to find the total number of characters in a string. This program will count all characters in the string without including the spaces. The program will take the string as input and print the count.


C++ how to find the smallest of three numbers

C++ program to find the smallest of three numbers. This C++ program will take three numbers as input from the user and find out the smallest of these three.


Introduction to Python tkinter module

Dart provides DateTime class to deal with date and time data. In this post, we will learn how to get the current date-time using DateTime and different other properties available.


How to get the current date-time in Dart

Dart provides DateTime class to deal with date and time data. In this post, we will learn how to get the current date-time using DateTime and different other properties available.


JavaScript program to read the current date time

JavaScript program to read the current date time value without using a third party library. We can use toDateString method to print the value in human readable format or we can use other methods to print the date time in a formatted string.


C++ program to remove all numbers from a string

C++ program to remove all numbers of a string. In this post, we will learn how to remove the numbers from a string keeping all characters in the string.


C++ program to find the nth odd Fibonacci number

Find the nth odd fibonacci number in C++. This program will take the value of n as input and print out the nth odd Fibonacci number to the user.


C++ program to find the nth even number

Find the nth even number in C++. The program will take one number as n from the user and it will print out the nth even number in C++.
