
How to convert JSON to a python dictionary

Learn how to convert JSON to a python dictionary. We will learn how to convert the data from a JSON string or from a file with JSON data to a python dictionary. Python json.loads() is used to convert JSON to a dictionary.


How to convert a python dictionary to list

Learn to convert a python dictionary to list. Dictionary is used to hold key-value pairs and we can't directly convert it to a list. But we can get the keys, items and values and convert them to a list.


How to check if a string contains a number in Dart

Learn how to check if a string contains at least one number in dart/flutter. We will use contains method with regex to check for numbers in a string.


How to get user input text from a TextField in Flutter

Learn how to get user input text from a TextField in Flutter. TextField component provides different properties that can be used to get the entered text in a text field.


TextField widget example in flutter and its different properties

This post will show you how to use TextField widget in Flutter and its different properties. I will show you one simple example to use TextField widget in a Flutter application.


How to create a directory programmatically in Java using File class

Java program to create a directory programmatically using File class. In this example, we will learn how to use File class to create a directory programmatically using mkdir() method.


Java program to read user input using Console

Java program to read user input value using This example will show how to read different types of values like character, string, integer, float and boolean using Console.


Java program to find all files with given extension in a directory and its subdirectories

Java program to find all files with given extension in a directory and its subdirectories. This example will show you how to find all files recursively in folders and subfolders.


Box component in material UI reactjs library

Learn how to use the Box component of Material UI React library with an example. Box is similar to div component and we can use it with other components in it.


Example of fseek() in C

fseek is used to change the position of the file pointer in C. We can change the file stream pointer using fseek. In this post, we will learn how to use fseek with example.
