
Java program to find the factors of a number

Java program to find the factors of a number. In this post, we will learn how to find the factors of a number in Java. The program will take the number as input and print out its factors.


Java program to check if a user input number is strong or not

Java program to check if a user input number is strong or not. A number is called a strong number if the sum of all factorials of its digits is equal to the number itself.


JavaScript setDate function explanation with example

JavaScript setDate function is used to set the day to a Date object. It takes the date as the parameter and set it to a Date object. This post will show how to use setDate with example.


C# program to change the case of entered character

C# program to change the case of the user input character. The program will ask the user to enter a character and it will print the character in upper case. For a lowercase character, it will print it in upper case.


How to create a horizontal set of toggle buttons in flutter

How to create a horizontal set of toggle buttons in flutter. In Flutter, ToggleButtons class can be used to put a list of buttons in a row. For each button, there is a separate variable to maintain the state.


How to add Material-UI to an existing Reactjs app

Learn how to add Material UI to an existing reactjs project. Material UI framework is used to create material design react applications. This framework provides different material designed reactjs components.


Write a C program to add two distances using structure

C program to add two distances using structures. Distance values are represented in feet and inches. We will learn two different ways to add two distances, by using two structures and with structures and division.


How to get the last element of a stream in Java

Learn how to get the last element of a Java stream. We will learn two different ways to find the last element of a stream with examples.


C# program to replace a substring in another string

C# program to replace a substring in another string. This program will use Replace method to replace a substring. Learn how to use Replace method and its exceptions.


How to get a random line from a file in Java

Java program to get a random line from a file in Java. This program will take the path of the file and print a random line. You will learn how to use Random module to create a random number.
