

Three different Swift programs to check if a dictionary contains a key or not

Three different ways to check if a swift dictionary contains a key or not. We can check if the value is nil for a key, we can use if let or index(forKey) method of dictionary.


How to check if an array of integers contains two numbers appeared twice in swift

Swift program to check if an array of integers contains two numbers appeared twice or not. We will use one dictionary to find out the duplicate numbers.


Swift program to check if a number is odd or even

Swift program to check if a number is odd or even and print out the result. We will learn how to find it using the modulo operator, using isMultiple method, and for a double using the remainder method with examples.


How to use pod try to test an iOS library

Using a third-party library may break an existing project if it is not properly tested. Again, for UI components, it is really hard to choose the perfect one. There are a lot of libraries available for any types of UI like a button or a dialogue.


How to find the remainder in swift using modulo

In this tutorial, we will learn how to find the remainder in swift. Swift provides one operator % to find out the remainder. Let's check how it works :.


Swift program to check if a number is a multiple of another

We can check if a number is multiple of another number or not easily by division. If we divide the first number by the second number and if the remainder is 0, the second number is a multiple of the first number. But, swift also provides one method called isMultiple that we can use to find out if a number is multiple of another number or not. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use this method.


Create a button programmatically in iOS using Swift 4

iOS Swift program to create a button programmatically. We will learn how to create one iOS UI element programmatically using swift. This example will show how to create a UIButton programmatically.


Swift tutorial : Recursive enumeration in Swift

We know that a function is called recursive if the function itself is called from it. Similar to recursive function, in swift we have recursive enumeration. If any case in the enumeration contains one or more associated value as another instance of the Enumeration itself. For example, let's take a look at the below example :.


Associated values in swift enumeration and how to use them

In this tutorial, we will learn what is associated values in swift and how to use them. To learn more about associated values, suppose we are writing an iOS application in swift that will greet the user differently for the first time use and second time use.For example,suppose user 'Albert' is using the app for the first time. It will show one message Hello Albert ! Welcome to our app.. Similarly, after 10 time when he will open,it will print Hey Albert ! Thank you for using our app for more than 10 times. Please give us a rating on Appstore.. How we are going to use it ? Yes,we have different ways to solve this problem but we will learn how to solve it using enum in swift :.


Enumeration in Swift : explanation with examples

Enumeration is actually used to define a common types of group of data.For example, following is a enumeration with seven different values or cases :.
