What is union type in typescript and how to use

What is union type in typescript and how to use:

Union is a way in typescript to define a variable that can hold multiple types of values. For example, we can create a variable that can hold both string and int type. In this post, we will learn how to use union type in typescript with example.

Syntax of union type:

Pipe symbol (|) is used for union type. Below is the syntax of union type:

let varName: type1 | type2

Example of union type:

Let’s take a look at the below example:

let myVariable : string | boolean;

myVariable = 'Hello';
myVariable = true;

myVariable = 20;

In this example, we created one variable myVariable of type string | boolean. We are assigning three different types of data to this variable.

In the last line, we are assigning one number to this variable myVariable. It will throw one compile-time error:

type '20' is not assignable to type 'string | boolean'

typescript union type error

There is no limit of types we can add to union type. For example, if we add number as another type, this error will be removed:

let myVariable : string | boolean | number;

myVariable = 'Hello';
myVariable = true;

myVariable = 20;

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