C++ program to pass a structure to a function

Pass structures to a function in C++:

Structures are used to group different types of variables in C++. We can use structures to hold data and also we can pass any structure data to a function. In this tutorial, we will learn how to pass data in structures to a function in C++.

C++ program to pass data in structure as arguments to a function:

Let’s take a look at the below program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct User
    string userName;
    int age;

void printUserInfo(User user)
    cout << "User name: " << user.userName << ", age: " << user.age << endl;

int main()
    User user;

    cout << "Enter the name of the user: " << endl;
    cin >> user.userName;

    cout << "Enter the age of the user: " << endl;
    cin >> user.age;



  • User is a structure to hold one string for user name and one int to hold the age.
  • In the main method, we are creating one User object to hold the user data.
  • Using cout and cin, we are reading the user data and storing it in user.
  • The last line is passing the user data to printUserInfo and this function is printing the values in the user object.

It will give the below output:

Enter the name of the user: 
Enter the age of the user: 
User name: alex, age: 20

C++ program to pass a structure to a function

Compilation error:

We need to declare the structure before the function always. Otherwise, it will throw a compilation error.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void printUserInfo(User user)
    cout << "User name: " << user.userName << ", age: " << user.age << endl;

struct User
    string userName;
    int age;

int main()
    User user;

    cout << "Enter the name of the user: " << endl;
    cin >> user.userName;

    cout << "Enter the age of the user: " << endl;
    cin >> user.age;


It will throw an error:

error: unknown type name 'User'

C++ pass struct to a function

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