Kotlin program to create a simple calculator

Kotlin program to create a simple calculator:

In this post, we will learn how to create a simple calculator program in Kotlin. We will write a program that will take two numbers as the inputs from the user and perform basic arithmetic operations i.e. sum, subtraction, multiplication, or division based on user input.

I will show you two ways to solve this problem: By using if-else if-else statements or by using when expression.

Method 1: Kotlin program of a simple calculator by using if-else if-else statements:

Let’s write down a program by using if-else if-else statements:

fun main() {
    println("Enter the numbers:")
    val firstNumber = readLine()?.toDoubleOrNull()
    val secondNumber = readLine()?.toDoubleOrNull()

    if (firstNumber != null && secondNumber != null) {
        println("Enter +, -, * or /:")
        val o = readLine().toString()[0]
        var result: Double? = null

        if (o == '+') {
            result = firstNumber + secondNumber
        } else if (o == '-') {
            result = firstNumber - secondNumber
        } else if (o == '*') {
            result = firstNumber * secondNumber
        } else if (o == '/') {
            result = firstNumber / secondNumber
        } else {
            println("Please enter a valid operator.")

        if (result != null) {
            println("$firstNumber $o $secondNumber = $result")
    } else {
        print("Please enter valid inputs")


  • The program asks the user to enter the numbers.
  • It is using readLine() method to read the user entered value and converts it to a double. These values are stored in the firstNumber and secondNumber variables.
  • If the entered numbers are not null, it asks the user to enter the operator symbol. It reads the operator symbol and stores it in the variable o.
  • The if, else-if, else blocks checks the value of the variable o and based on its value, it calculates the result.
  • The last if block is used to print the final result.

If you run this program, it will print outputs as below:

Enter the numbers:
Enter +, -, * or /:
23.0 + 33.0 = 56.0

Enter the numbers:
Enter +, -, * or /:
33.0 * 56.0 = 1848.0

Enter the numbers:
Enter +, -, * or /:
133.0 - 4.0 = 129.0

Method 2: Kotlin program of a simple calculator by using when expression:

The when expression in Kotlin works similar to Java switch statement. We can also use it instead of if-else if-else conditions. Let’s modify the above program to use when expression instead of if-else if-else blocks:

fun main() {
    println("Enter the numbers:")
    val firstNumber = readLine()?.toDoubleOrNull()
    val secondNumber = readLine()?.toDoubleOrNull()

    if (firstNumber != null && secondNumber != null) {
        println("Enter +, -, * or /:")
        val o = readLine().toString()[0]
        var result: Double? = null

        when (o) {
            '+' -> {
                result = firstNumber + secondNumber
            '-' -> {
                result = firstNumber - secondNumber
            '*' -> {
                result = firstNumber * secondNumber
            '/' -> {
                result = firstNumber / secondNumber
            else -> {
                println("Please enter a valid operator.")

        if (result != null) {
            println("$firstNumber $o $secondNumber = $result")
    } else {
        print("Please enter valid inputs")

It will print similar results.

Enter the numbers:
Enter +, -, * or /:
123.0 + 23.0 = 146.0

Enter the numbers:
Enter +, -, * or /:
55.0 * 99.0 = 5445.0

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