Different ways to write to a file in Kotlin

Different ways to write to a file in Kotlin:

Kotlin provides different ways to write to a file as direct methods and as extension methods. In this post, I will show you examples of different methods on how to write content to a file.

Method 1: By using File.writeText and File.appendText:

File.writeText is defined in java.io.File and using this method we can directly write one string to a file. Below is the definition of this method:

fun File.writeText(
    str: String,
    char: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)

Here, str is the string that we are writing to the file and char is the Charset we are using. This is an optional value and by default it takes UTF-8.

For example:

package com.company

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val filePath = "/Users/cvc/IdeaProjects/KotlinSampleProgram/src/sample.txt"
    val givenStr = "Hello World !!"
    val file = File(filePath)



  • filePath is the path of the file. Change it to your own file path
  • givenStr is the string we are writing to the file.
  • We created one File object with the file path and used writeText to write givenStr in that file.

It will write the below content to the file:

Hello World !!

Note that it replaces the content in the file. appendText is another method that can be used to append to the existing content of a file.

If I run the below code:

package com.company

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val filePath = "/Users/cvc/IdeaProjects/KotlinSampleProgram/src/sample.txt"
    val givenStr = "Hello World !!"
    val file = File(filePath)


The file will hold the below content:

Hello World !!Hello World !!

Method 2: By using File.writeBytes():

writeBytes is another method that can be used to write an array of bytes to a file. This method is defined as below:

fun File.writeBytes(array: ByteArray)

It takes a ByteArray and writes that byte array to the file.

Below program shows how we can use this method:

package com.company

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val filePath = "/Users/cvc/IdeaProjects/KotlinSampleProgram/src/sample.txt"
    val givenStr = "Hello World !!"
    val file = File(filePath)



  • we are converting the string givenStr to a byte array using toByteArray() method and writing that in the file using writeBytes

It will add the below line to the file:

Hello World !!

It is not appending the content to the file. For that, we need to use appendBytes method.

Method 3: By using PrintWriter:

java.io.File PrintWriter can be used by printWriter() method provided in Kotlin. This method returns one PrintWriter instance. We can use use{} to handle it.

For example:

package com.company

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val filePath = "/Users/cvc/IdeaProjects/KotlinSampleProgram/src/sample.txt"

        file ->

It will print the below lines to the file:


Method 4: By using BufferedWriter:

Kotlin profiles another method called bufferedWriter that returns a new BufferedWriter object. We can use use{} on it to write different contents to a file.

For example:

package com.company

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val filePath = "/Users/cvc/IdeaProjects/KotlinSampleProgram/src/sample.txt"

        file ->
        file.write("Hello ")

It will print the below content to the file:

Hello World

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