
How to create a Flutter web and mobile Application from command line

Learn how to create flutter web or mobile app from command line. This post will show you how to write the cmd with example.


C++ program to create a simple calculator program

C++ program to create a simple calculator program. It can do addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication with two numbers. The user will enter the mode and numbers in the terminal.


C++ program to format a phone number

C++ program for phone number formatting. The program will take area code, exchange code and line number as input and print the formatted phone number.


C++ program to print a rectangle using star or any other character

C++ program to print a rectangle using star or any other character. The program will take the width and height of the rectangle as input and it will print the rectangle.


How to show/hide a menu button in Android dynamically in Kotlin

Learn how to show and hide a menu button dynamically or programmatically in Android in Kotlin. We will create one new android studio project and check that with an example.


C program to convert a string to uppercase or capitalize all characters

C program to convert a string to uppercase or capitalize all characters. The program will take the string as input from the user and print out the result string by capitalized all characters.


Dart program to convert degree to radian and vice versa

Dart program to convert a degree value to radian and vice versa. This post will show you two different ways for degree to radian conversion.


C program to find the ceiling of a number in a sorted array

C program to find the ceiling of a number in a sorted array. One sorted array is given and the program will find the ceiling of a number in that array with user input.


C++ program to count no of positive, negative and zero from a list of numbers

C++ program to count the positive, negative and zeros from a list of user input numbers. The program will take the numbers from the user and print out positive, negative and zeroes.


How to find the sum of two distances in inch and feet in C++

How to find the sum of two distances in inch and feet in C++. Each distance values are represented in feet and inches. This program reads the user input values and prints the sum.
